Splendid Studio
The new studio on Sanford Rd is being fitted out right now! Expect a sprung floor, barres and mirrors and a calm atmosphere, conducive to best dance practise! We can’t wait t
April School Holiday Workshops
Dancewear & Dance Making Want to make your own funky top to wear in dance class? What about a ballet skirt, or costume item? We will do that and more in this dancewear and dan
Make Up Workshop
For Parents! For Adult Dancers! For Dance Students! Book Here
Adult Workshops
Ballet: Always wanted to try ballet? Here’s your chance! No commitment needed, just come along and try out one class! Both ballet and Latin Burlesque are for beginners or those w
Youth Triple Dance
Dance: Want to be a triple threat? Don’t worry about the singing or acting, just dance! Upskill and add more dance styles to your repertoire these holidays with our multi genre w
Little Dancers
Book Here Little mariners for ages 3-5yrs Let’s celebrate Albany’s Maritime festival by jumping onboard and dancing with Jess! We are inspired by everything under the sea. Lit